How to Avoid and Clean Up Your Digital Fingerprint

Story by Zian Ang

How to avoid and clean up your digital filth, according to the Niklas Myhr, the social media professor:

Have it removed or untag yourself. (Duh)

If it were on your own platform you should remove it, but be aware that some content will not be permanently removed. Remember, a tweet never really gets deleted.

Stay away from having polarizing viewpoints on social media platforms.

If you have extremely strong opinions for or against today’s issues, it could leave future employers with a bad taste in their mouth. They expect you to work collaboratively with people across boundaries, religions, political opinions and a variety of perspectives.

Showing your ability to have good judgment.

Are you going to post a photo of you out clubbing at 3 a.m. laughing about an important meeting at 7 a.m. the next day on Facebook? It’s about being smart and responsible, which will show you are an engaging individual that people want to have good relationships with.

Ask somebody you trust to take a look at your social media profiles.

If you’re going into an industry that’s somehow very conservative, ask somebody whose opinion you respect to go through your profiles and ask about what they think.

  • Click here for more tips from Dr. Niklas Myhr
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